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11Ants Retail Insights Cloud Now Speaks Spanish!

Hola! We’ve got great news for all retailers in Latin America and Spain – we’ve launched a Spanish language version of our award winning 11Ants Retail Insights Cloud.  We’ve also appointed our first Latin American reseller – Deep Insight Ecuador.

The enthusiasm for 11Ants Retail Insights Cloud by our first Latin American client – a department store chain – was fantastic. As more Latin American retailers began contacting us we felt we would like to demonstrate a solid commitment to the region and we are really proud to announce the Spanish version

What is abundantly clear is that retailers in Latin America suffer the same pains as their counter-parts in the rest of the world, namely: much data, little insight, and little appetite for speculatively investing millions of dollars up-front to remedy this.

Enter 11Ants Retail Insights Cloud – software as a service which transforms billions of elements of transactional data into meaningful retail insight within hours of a retailers data being uploaded to it.

The experience is that 11Ants Retail Insights Cloud provides massive benefits for retailers who traditionally spend significant sums of money on their loyalty programs, but struggle to obtain insight from the data generated. The business case for a loyalty program has never been ‘let’s give our customers free money’, rather it has always been about superior customer insight. 11Ants Retail Insights Cloud represents the first time this insight has been made available cost-effectively to mid-tier retailers.

The barrier to retailers advancing their analytics capabilities has always been a combination of cost and deployment risk. Adios to both of these, we say!

ShiSh Shridhar is Microsoft’s Director of Data Insights for the Retail Industry. It’s fair to say that he’s one of the world’s most well informed people in this space and he says “11Ants release is excellent news for the Spanish speaking market – this will be transformational for many mid-tier Latin American retailers.” – which is exactly what we intend it to be.

In conjunction with this launch, we are very pleased to announce our first Latin American resellers Deep Insight Ecuador – and we welcome Hernan Viscarra Andrade, Deep Insight Ecuador’s General Manager, and his team to the 11Ants family.

11Ants Retail Insights Cloud is a cloud-based solution which transforms mid-tier retailers’ raw transactional data into actionable stories about their customers, products, promotions and stores – assisting category managers, marketing managers and operations staff in driving measurable retail growth. The solution is delivered as a Software as a Service with an affordable monthly subscription. 11Ants Retail Insights Cloud was awarded Innovative Software Product of the Year by Microsoft in 2016.

To learn more about the 11Ants Retail Insights Cloud and how it empowers Retail Growth Driven by Customer Science feel free to contact us to schedule a demo either by visiting our website or emailing .

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